Computer nerd by day, artist by night — Christine Shaw is a calligrapher and artist in Louisville, KY.
It started in middle school when the principal called my mom in for a conference. “Your daughter has been cheating — she’s turning in other people’s work as her own.” He shows her several papers, each with different handwriting. “Which is hers?” he asks. “All of them!” she replies. At 12 years old, I was already on my way to developing different writing styles. Years later, and I’m still at it!
Drawing and painting didn’t come until much later. My whole life, I’ve been one of those people who would say, “I can’t draw a stick figure to save my life,” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Boy was I wrong! If you think that you can’t make art – draw, paint, sculpt, lettering arts, book arts, engraving, you name it – you’re wrong, just like I was!
My attempts at artistic endeavors didn’t begin until I was in my 40s. It turns out I was completely capable, I had just never had a good art teacher! The secret recipe for creating art is determination and a good teacher. Art is a learned skill, and with persistence, practice and the right instruction, you can do it, too. I love to participate in art classes, and whichever role I’m in – student or teacher – I’m always learning from everyone around me.
Join me in class and let me learn from you!